Vancouver Real Estate Prices Just Passed An All Time High

Vancouver Real Estate Prices Just Passed An All Time High

Vancouver real estate quietly set a new record in April, although real estate boards aren’t exactly shouting it from the rooftop this time.

Vancouver Real Estate Hits All Time High...Again

Vancouver real estate prices continued to climb in April. Latest numbers from theReal Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV), show the benchmark price rose to record highs. This was despite a steep decline in sales, and higher inventory than the same time last year.

Prices Are Increasing

The benchmark price continued to creep up, as demand for lower price units pushed the average higher. April saw the composite benchmark price, the price of a typical home with luxury bias removed, hit $941,100. This is a 2.4% increase from last month, and an 11.4% increase from the same time last year. It’s not Toronto’s 20+ percent, but prices are still moving very quickly.

Breaking down the REBGV regions, the highest increase was observed on Bowen Island, and the lowest is in Ladner. Bowen Island saw the composite price hit $878,700, a 29.4% increase from the year prior. On the other end of the market, Ladner saw prices move to $795,900, a 2% increase from the same time last year.

Vancouver Composite Prices               Canadian Dollars
Month Benchmark Price
Dec 2015 760,900
Jan 2016 775,300
Feb 2016 795,500
Mar 2016 815,000
Apr 2016 844,800
May 2016 889,100
Jun 2016 917,800
Jul 2016 930,400
Aug 2016 933,100
Sep 2016 926,600
Oct 2016 919,300
Nov 2016 908,300
Dec 2016 897,600
Jan 2017 896,000
Feb 2017 906,700
Mar 2017 919,300
Apr 2017 941,100

Sales Are Declining

Sales of Vancouver real estate declined all around. REBGV saw 3,553 sales, a 25% decline from the same month last year. This is also a 0.72% drop from last month. March was the peak for sales last year, so it’ll be interesting to see if it continues to decline from here.

Inventory Is Building

Inventory also continued to creep up, hitting a 5 month high. REBGV saw 7,813 listings, a 3.48% increase from the same time last year. New listings declined by 20%, with only 4,907 hitting the market in April. Higher inventory with fewer new listings is a slightly concerning trend for sellers. It may show that there are less buyers interested in entering the market at current prices.

Vancouver Sales Vs. Listings
Composite Listings
Month Sales Listings
Dec 2015 2,827 6,024
Jan 2016 2,519 6,635
Feb 2016 4,172 7,299
Mar 2016 5,173 7,358
Apr 2016 4,781 7,550
May 2016 4,769 7,726
Jun 2016 4,400 7,812
Jul 2016 3,226 8,351
Aug 2016 2,489 8,506
Sep 2016 2,253 9,354
Oct 2016 2,233 9,143
Nov 2016 2,214 8,385
Dec 2016 1,714 6,345
Jan 2017 1,523 7,238
Feb 2017 2,425 7,594
Mar 2017 3,579 7,586
Apr 2017 3,553 7,813

Despite lower demand for Vancouver real estate relative to inventory, enthusiastic buyers continued to drive prices higher. Usually more inventory and less sales has the opposite impact, but buyer mentality plays a large part of where prices go. Next week we’ll break down these segments a little further.


Contributing editor, and data sherpa.

Vancouver Real Estate Prices Just Passed An All Time High



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