Common sense can keep your home safe

Common sense can keep your home safe

Common sense can keep your home safe

Common sense can keep your home safe
Installing a home security system can give you peace of mind.



When it comes to home safety and security, this advice may sound like a no brainer, but is worth repeating: always lock your doors. It’s surprising how often burglars enter through unlocked doors.

Don’t get into the habit of closing a window without locking it. All too often, homeowners close a window and forget to lock it, creating an easy entry for the “bad guys.”

Window coverings not only conceal you; they also mask your expensive electronics, so make sure you always close your drapes or blinds.

Install lighting around your home. If a prowler is sneaking around the outside of your home, the shock of a motion light will often send him packing.

Make sure you manage your social media presence carefully. Think about what you’ve been Tweeting. Don’t give too much information on planned holidays or extended weekends out of town.

Make sure you shred all your personal documents before putting them in your recycle bins.

Take a note of neighbourhood traffic patterns. Often knowing where a person lives or what they drive can take away any unnecessary suspicion or fear.

What better “peace of mind” than installing a home security system? One can rest a lot easier knowing there’s backup in the event of an attempted break-in.

Don’t give your keys to anybody. At times, it may seem convenient to give your house keys to cleaning people or gardeners, but don’t do it! The only people who should have keys to your home are your trusted emergency contacts.

Change up your living routine. Burglars like to target people with the same routine. Folks they can set their watch to as to when they come and go are preferred.

Most tradesmen and labourers are honest, trustworthy individuals, but there are some lacking in honesty and integrity. I’m talking about thieving tradesmen who focus more on their gains than your losses.

A good way to send away an unwanted visitor lurking at your front door is to purchase a video door intercom. With these units now at affordable prices, they create a great filter for unwanted visitors without having to open the door.

Whenever you let a stranger in your home – whether the washer repair man, plumber or furnace man – make sure you ask for identification.

Keep in mind that every time you allow a stranger in your home, you could be increasing your chances of experiencing a home break-in.

A repairman with bad intentions could scope out your home’s layout, contents and whether you have a security system in one swoop. Never get personal with the repairman. Don’t ever divulge your plans to these folks; and never lose sight of the fact they are strangers.

Sadly, women who live alone are advised to take heightened precautions.

When scheduling home service visits or deliveries, women should always have another person present. Burglars posing as door-to-door salesmen can be more aggressive and persistent with women, especially if they suspect they live alone.

Go with your intuition. Distrust can be a good thing, so don’t compromise your personal security because you feel you have to let strangers into your home.

If you don’t own a dog, consider purchasing one. Dogs make great companions and offer a great sense of security whether large or small.

And if you’re the dating type, never host a first date at your home, and don’t allow your date to pick you up or escort you back to your home. Arrange a public location for dates until you get to know the person better.



Frank Fourchalk is a licensed B.C. security consultant whose company specializes in home and condo security. 



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